Monday, April 27, 2009

Potty Training, Revisited

Yesterday was a family day. We don't get those very often so we took advantage of the rain yesterday. After church we headed to town to get some fish for our new fish tank. Then we headed to dinner. Pat had to make a trip to the bathroom and Cole wanted to go with. Pat made him stay with me, but when he returned Cole kept saying "I gotta go. I gotta go." So Pat took him to the bathroom, and he actually sat on the potty. No potty seat and in a strange place. Granted he didn't actually go, but still! He usually fights sitting on the potty, so what a change! I'm hoping that once school is out of the summer, in 2 weeks, I can get him to potty train. I'm trying to catch him in the mornings when he first gets up, but so far I haven't had any luck.

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