Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fun in the Sun

It has been a beautiful week, weather wise. I've been trying to get the kids out to enjoy it as much as I can. I've been trying to work on building a landing and stairs so we can use the back door we put in last fall. It's kind of complicated when the only help I get is from an infant and toddler who would much rather do anything else. So I get about an hour a day to attempt to get anything done. Needless to say, I'm not very far. I had high hopes for today, but Tate only slept for about an hour and I wasted time checking my email before I headed outside.

Cole has been enjoying his yard. We are short a gate and having trouble finding that particular size gate in stock anywhere, so I can't leave him out there alone quite yet. It would be nice if he could get to the back door too. Anywho, he's really been having fun in the sandbox. The other day he carried a worm, that he found in it, around for a good hour. When it was time to come inside he put it back in the sand to go to sleep (it was already eternally sleeping at this point.) The next day he wanted his worm back, only it was dried up and he broke it in half. He spent quite a while looking for a new one, without much luck.

Big News! Tate was only up once last night. It was amazing to get more than 4 hours of sleep in one stretch! He also turned 9 months yesterday. Still no rolling. Still no teeth, but he's sitting pretty well and "talking" to me as I write.

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