Wednesday, September 29, 2010

My Job Title

Recently I spent some time out at my parents' house. Somehow during a conversation my being a stay-at-home mom came up. My dad said everytime he reads that description of myself he laughs. I don't stay at home. That part of the conversation was short, but it got me thinking. Every time I fill out paperwork that requires a job title, I don't know what to put. I guess technically I am self-employed as I do receive paychecks from the dairy, but it's not really my primary job.

My primary job is this: waker-upper, clothes-dresser, diaper-changer, potty-trainer, seat-wiper, mediator, picker-upper, TV-controller, story-reader, school-delivery-driver, nap-enforcer, bath-giver, jammie-putter-onner, teeth-brusher, tucker-inner. I am also the meal preparer, financial manager, gardener, and cleaner (although the last one is up for debate).

When I'm not doing that job I am a calf-feeder, cow-getter, substitute teacher, and student.

So maybe I'm a work from home mom? I don't know. What I do know is this: some days my kids drive me batty. Some days I would like to run away from the "Mommy"s, "why" s, "help me"s, the whining, and the tears, but that is my primary job and I wouldn't trade it for the world.

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