Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why I Don't Eat Lipton Noodles

Recently a friend of mine was complaining about having a cold. Normally that would not be cause for a status comment, but every time this particular friend complains about a cold or sinuses it reminds me of a story. When I was in college, the first time around, I was fortunate to have a lot of really awesome friends. One such friend's, we'll call her J, parents had recently moved to Lincoln. Her dad was in between jobs, thus her family was in between houses and living in an apartment. One weekend we decided to head to Lincoln and nab some real food. Keep in mind this was B.C. (before cell phones, or at least before most people had cell phones) and also when being on the internet tied up your phone line. We tried calling her parents to see if they were home, but her sister was on the internet, so we couldn't get through. So we stopped by. Her parents weren't home, but we decided to make up some Lipton noodles. I was never big on Ramen, but I lived off of Lipton noodles for years. Anywhoodle, while we were eating I said something incredibly hilarious, as I usually do, while J was taking a bite. My witty comment forced her to laugh and in doing so she inhaled a noodle. No big deal normally, but this noodle took a peculiar turn and wound up in her sinus. Seriously, you could feel it at the bridge of her nose. It wasn't a little spaghetti noodle either, it was a fettuccini noodle. She was of course in a bit of pain but the situation was so funny we were both crying with laughter. The noodle did come out with a sneeze, and I haven't been able to eat Lipton noodles since without thinking of that story. It always makes me laugh a little.

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