Saturday, September 25, 2010

IUD Follow-Up

I had my second and final follow-up appointment with my OB this week. It went well. I am usually pretty gutless when it comes to asking challenging questions to a professional. I did ask why Mirenas are being put in so soon. My doctor is pretty conservative when it comes to things like that and she was pretty up front with me. Basically, I was, wait for it, the possible side-effects or complications side of things. Imagine that! She's been putting in IUDs since 1979 and I am the first patient she has perforated. Fantastic! People are human. Crap happens. I still like my doctor and I will continue to see her. She screwed up. It wasn't malicious. It was an accident. The breastfeeding thing didn't get mentioned at the initial appointment, which would have delayed my decision, and probably played a part into the perforation. She doesn't like putting them in breastfeeding women. She isn't just leaving it at "oops, sorry" though. She is going to talk to someone at the hospital to review my case and see if they can help out financially. Yes, it's a listed complication, but it certainly wasn't what I expected, or what she expected. We'll see if it pans out, but I'm glad she isn't just forgetting it and moving on. For those of you with Mirenas, I hope they work out well. My advice, if you can't find the strings, get it out!

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