Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Long Bob

No, I'm not talking about the @nzyte commercial. I'm incredibly anxious for June when I no longer have a 3 year old. I am so incredibly tired of the incessant questions. Why? What's that for? What's that called? I know, he's 3, it comes with the territory, but it's the same question over and over and over and over and over and over again. The kid has a phenomenal memory, but only when it has to do with useless information. For example, he can remember that my Uncle R~ was wearing a hat at my sister's wedding in June, without looking at pictures. But he can't remember at bed time where he put his jammies that very same morning even though he's been putting his jammies in the very same spot every morning since we've lived in this house. He's driving me bonkers. We get so tired of the questions that we start to make up answers. The most common answer is boogers. I have no idea why. At least he recognizes that answer as silly. However, it's the other answers that he doesn't quite pick up on. For instance, back before Christmas, I had bought a package of long johns. We have a mom and pop type bakery near by and occasionally our local grocery store has their long johns. Donuts are expensive, so I don't by them often, but I picked up a package since they looked really good. So I get home and Cole asks "what's that?" I tell him it's a long john. Pat convinces him it's a long bob. A few days later he's at Grandma's house for coffee and guess what she has? Long bobs! I think they were pretty confused, but just let it go. I bought some yesterday and once again, they are long bobs. Why can't he forget the useless crap and remember something important, like where his stinking jammies are?!?


MrsTallPaul said...

Too funny! So much to look forward to! My 3 year old nephew is the same way. The other night he was reminded to chew his food and then talk. When Grandma talked with mouth in her food at the next meal... guess who corrected her?

jennifer elliott said...

How can you be mad at that cute face? Seriously? That cute kid frustrates you? Hmmmmmmmm.