Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Baby #3

No, we aren't expecting. Freaked you out there for a minute though, didn't I?

Anywho, I think Pat is suffering from baby fever. We know a lot of people who have recently had babies or who are expecting babies. Surprisingly, it's not me with the baby fever. Pat, who always claimed we would stop at 2 has been randomly throwing out baby names and saying things like, "when are we going to start trying for a girl?" I've been giving him an awful lot of the I don't know who you are kind of looks. As a matter of fact, he always claimed the only way he would possibly consider a third child was if we had one of each. Heaven forbid we end up with 3 boys or 3 girls. Yet every name he has thrown out has been a boy's name. It's just bizarre.

I'm not anti-baby #3, I'm just not ready yet. I have one more year of school and my last semester will be student-teaching full time. I don't want a newborn at home or to be expecting and have to make up the time I'd miss for having a baby. I'm also hoping a break between pregnancies will give me a better chance of having a full term baby. I'm also hoping that having a bigger gap between kids will be a little bit easier. It's nice to have the boys close in age now, but it wasn't fun a year and a half ago. I'm also afraid we'll end up with another Tate and I don't think my ears can handle that. The kid has one heck of an ear piercing scream.

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