Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bible Trivia

Some of these were easy, some tough. It worked best to ask a group a question, then open it up to the other groups if they were wrong. We tried Jeopardy style first, but the kids were so wound up a lot of them couldn't hear.

General Bible Trivia

1. What is the only domesticated animal not mentioned in the Bible?
A: A Cat.

2. What word appears exactly 773,692 times in the King James Bible?
A: Amen.

3. What follows mass as the most popular activity in U.S. Catholic churches?
A: Bingo.

4. What symbol did St. Patrick use to explain his theory of the Holy Trinity?
A: The Shamrock.

5. What religious movement began with Martin Luther's attack on the sale of indulgences?
A: The Reformation.

6. What storied city on the Euphrates River was 55 miles south of Baghdad?
A: Babylon.

7. What biblical place name means "pleasure"?
A: Eden.

8. What animal is mentioned most frequently in both the New and Old Testaments?
A: The Sheep.

9. What biblical epic was the top-grossing movie of the 1950's?
A: The Ten Commandments.

10. What does an ecclesiophobic evangelist fear?
A: Churches.

11. How many books of the Bible are named for women?
A: Two - Ruth and Esther.

12. How many books are in the OT?

A: 39

12. How many books are in the NT?

a. 27

13. What are the 4 books of the Gospel?

a. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John

14. What is the shortest verse in the Bible?

a. Jesus wept (John 11:35)

15. Which book of the Bible does not mention God?

a. Esther

16. What is the longest book in the Bible?
A: Psalms

17. What is the shortest book in the Bible?
A: 3 John

Old Testament Trivia

18. Which two wicked cities were destroyed by God in Genesis?
A: Sodom and Gomorrah.

19. How much time did Jonah spend in the belly of the whale?
A: Three days and three nights.

20. According to the Bible, what substance was used to caulk Noah's ark and to seal the basket in which the infant Moses was set adrift on the Nile?
A: Pitch, or natural asphalt.

21. According to the Bible, what weapons was the Philistine giant Goliath carrying when he was slain by David?
A: A sword and a spear, according to I Samuel 17:45.

22. What were the names of the three men in the firey furnace?
A: Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego

23. Who were the parents of King Solomon?
A: David and Bathsheba.

24. In the Old Testament, who was Jezebel's husband?
A: Ahab, King of Israel.

25. What are the first three words of the Bible?

a. In the Beginning

26. Who rescued baby Moses from his basket?

a. Pharoah’s daughter

27. What gift given to Joseph from his father made his brother’s so jealous they sold him into slavery?

a. His coat of many colors

28. Who was David’s best friend?

a. Jonathon

29. Which 2 prophets never died?

a. Elijah and Enoch

30. How many days did it rain to flood the earth?

a. 40

31. What were Abraham and Sarah’s names before God changed them?

a. Abram and Sarai

32. How many tribes did ancient Israel have?
A: 12

33. For how many days did God command the Israelites to eat unleavened bread?

A: 7

34. Who committed the first murder?

a. Cain killed Abel

35. How many wives did Jacob have?

a. 2 wives and 2 of their maidservants

36. How many plagues were there before the Israelites were freed from Egypt?

a. 10

37. What did the Israelites eat for 40 years in the desert?

a. manna

38. How many days and nights did Moses stay with God, creating the ten commandments?

A: 40

New Testament Trivia

39. According to the Bible, how many pearly gates are there?
A: 12 (Revelation 21:12-21).

40. What is the golden rule?

a. Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you

41. How much food did they start with to feed the 5000?

a. 5 loaves and 2 fish

42. Name 2 miracles Jesus performed on others

a. Raising Lazarus

b. Healing the blind man

c. Healed the leper

d. Healed servant boy

e. Healed sick woman

43. Which Pharisee climbed a tree to see Jesus?

a. Zacchaeus

44. Who baptized Jesus and how were they related?

a. John, cousins

45. Which disciple called himself “the disciple whom Jesus loved”?

a. John

46. Where was the wedding located when Jesus turned water into wine?

a. Caanan

47. How many disciples did Jesus choose?
A: 12

48. In which parable did a father show mercy to his son who had strayed?

a. Prodigal Son

49. Who were Lazarus’ sisters?

a. Mary and Martha

50. Jesus says we should come to him as what?

a. Little children

51. Which disciple doubted Jesus’ resurrection?

a. Thomas

52. Which disciple did not want Jesus to wash his feet?

a. Peter

53. Which disciple betrayed Jesus?

a. Judas

54. Where did Jesus take his disciples to pray?

a. Garden of Gethsemane

55. On what hill was Jesus crucified

a. Golgotha

56. What happened in the temple when Jesus died?

a. The curtain was torn.

57. Which new (not one of the 12) disciple was stoned to death?

a. Stephen

58. In which city was Jesus born?

a. Bethlehem

59. Who denied Jesus 3 times?

a. Peter

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