Sunday, August 2, 2009

Goat Names

and the winner is Rachel, with Bonnie and Clyde. Feel free to brag it up to your friends, family, and co-workers, that you named some pygmy goats! Actually Pat had come up with it Thursday night, before I checked my blog and seeing how that seemed to be the favorite, that's what we went with. I do have to give creativity credit to Kristen for Peter Soil and Maggie Mess. That was my personal favorite. As for Bonnie and Clyde, they are doing well. Clyde has a little bit of a messy butt thing going on, but they seem to be adjusting well. Our chickens will magically disappear tomorrow, or I wish it was magical anyway. Then Bonnie and Clyde will be moved from the back yard to the goose pen until we can make them a little more people friendly. Clyde isn't too bad, but Bonnie is tough to catch. Juno has done fairly well with them the couple of times I've put her in the yard. (Un)fortunately, she is smart, so I know that as soon as I am out of sight she'll go for them. So far she's just chased them a little bit, but listens when you call her off. Once they are bigger we'll let them roam with the dog, and hopefully they can work out a truce.

I will try to update again soon as last week was crazy with VBS. Tomorrow Tate has his echo. Please pray that it is nothing and I can put my mind at ease. It's one of those things where someone says there might be something wrong and I start seeing all the signs, like maybe he naps more than he should and his lips are blue for no reason and on and on. I'm sure we won't know anything tomorrow as they have to send the reports back to Sioux Falls and we are staying in town to have this done. Also pray Tate cooperates. I'm worried we'll have to reschedule and sedate him which I really don't want to do, especially if it's nothing!

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