Monday, August 24, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I most certainly did not hear my three year old repeatedly say "damn it" to then explain to me that he was "just fixin." He also doesn't ask what Daddy's fixin when he hears Pat yelling outside. Nope, doesn't happen here.

My one year old didn't perfect his screeching abilities all the way through the grocery store last week. At least it wasn't Sr. Citizen's Wednesday discount day and I didn't get stopped 15 times to have someone tell me what a good baby he is. Nope, would never happen.

I didn't spend nearly 2 hours putting together Pat's Ertl farm sets without my children around. I wouldn't waste time like that and I most certainly wouldn't be playing with my children's toys alone.

I also did not suggest to my husband that we should turn the dining room into a toy room since we never eat in there anyway. We wouldn't have that many toys for just 2 boys.

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