Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Summer Catch Up: AMPI Trip, Part 1

Our milk cooperative pays for us to have a little mini vacation during the summer.  They have a young cooperative program and during the summer we tour one of our milk plants and some member dairy farms from the area.  This year we headed to Wisconsin.  En route, we made an overnight stop in the twin cities.  Our first stop was lunch at Timber Lodge.  Normally that wouldn't warrant a blog mention, but here's the story.  We stopped to eat.  The boys were restless and Shelby was hungry, so the boys jumped all over the booth and I fed Shelby.  Across from us was an older (60ish) man eating alone.  He kept watching us, but as the restaurant was fairly empty, we were pretty entertaining.  I didn't really think anything of it.  We were waiting for our tab, but the waiter seemed to be avoiding our table, which was strange as he had been pretty good, and the place was pretty empty.  The older man got up to leave, shook Pat's hand, said "I got your bill" and left.  We were floored.  We didn't know this man at all and he didn't drive off in an especially classy looking car.  All I could think was wow, human kindness does still exist.

After that it was time for shopping.  We hit a few stores in the area and then headed to the Mall of America. There we met up with my aunt and cousin for a brief visit.  The boys had lots of fun with cousin W.

There favorite place, and the only place we bought anything other than food, was the Lego Store.  They each used their own money to but some Legos and I spent time visiting with my aunt while the kids played there.

The also loved seeing SpongeBob (why do kids like that show so much?)
Tate was super excited to get his picture taken with the Backyardigans.  Cole was a little less enthused.

The next day we headed for the MN Children's Museum.  The boys, of course, loved the water.

Cole the Turtle

 They had a Curious George exhibit, which Tate loved.
Doorman Tate
Up next, part 2...

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