Friday, June 1, 2012

Skilled Trades

A friend of mine posted this video on Facebook a couple of weeks ago.  There is an awful lot of truth in it.
Both Pat and I have college degrees.  I hope my kids go to college after high school.  However, I know a lot of kids that don't or go to a technical college.  Does that mean they aren't as smart as the rest of us?  Of course not.  Maybe they struggled in school, but I bet they are a lot better at other things, like welding, electrical work, plumbing, etc.  Staying at home and being married to a dairy farmer sometimes makes people believe we are uneducated.  I hate it when people talk down to me.  Just because a person works with their hands does not mean they don't have to use their head also.  These skilled laborers are vital.  A few years ago our furnace crapped out on Christmas Day during a really nasty snow storm.  Our plumbing and heating guy was here by 8AM that morning.  Next time your toilet backs up or your furnace craps out or you need new tires on your car, remember to thank those people and be grateful for the skills they have that you lack.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting Becky - was really interesting. Hope you are all well. :)