Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mommy Wars

I'm sure by now you've all seen the Time cover.  I haven't read the article, nor do I particularly care to.  I just don't see the need to argue over who is doing the best job.  All 3 of my children will be breastfed until they are a year.  I cloth diaper.  I stay at home.  Does that make me superior to other moms?  Heck, that doesn't even make me a good mom.  I hope that I am, but there are days when I sure don't feel like it.  My husband always asks why I take such long showers.  In all honesty, it's because when I'm in the shower no one (usually) needs me, touches me, or cries at me.  At least, not that I can hear.  When I'm in the shower I can have a think a thought all the way through.  Most of my blog posts are written in the shower, but until they invent water proof computers, most of them will never actually make it to the computer.

So what makes a good mom? In my opinion, you can't parent every child the same way.  There is no foolproof method to raising a child.  There's no one book you can read or blog you can follow.  I don't even parent my own kids the same. Sometimes I wonder how 2 boys so different can have the same parents.  I know I'm not the same mom to Cole as I am to Tate.  Cole was never allowed to do some of the things that Tate does, simply because he is/was not independent enough to do them.  I'm sure I'll be a different parent to Shelby too.  The ultimate goal of every parent is to raise a responsible child that contributes to society.  So, does it really matter how they get there?

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