Friday, March 2, 2012

Farmers Feeding...Pancakes

So, it's not really Friday. I've been getting sick about once a week for the last month and for some reason it seems to hit Thursday or Friday. You'd think I'm in my first trimester instead of my last. So without further ado, your Friday on the Farm...

Last Sunday our local FFA chapter had their annual pancake breakfast. Anytime we can go somewhere close for Sunday lunch that I don't have to cook, we're there. Even though Pat grew up on the farm, he was never a part of FFA at his school. I wasn't either. However, I fully expect my kids to at least try it when they get to be in 7th grade. Our school has a pretty strong ag program, which is unusual for a small school. It shouldn't be, but with budget cuts, the ag program is typically one of the first to go. At our school, they've worked hard to keep it.

Anywhoozle, while we were at the pancake breakfast, Pat was talking to one of the dad's who is involved with the FFA alumni group at our school. He was working hard at trying to get Pat involved. One of the things that a lot of kids don't have experience with is artificial insemination (AI). Pat being the sucker, I mean, good guy that he is, he told him to give him a call when they have their next meeting. I think it'll be good for Pat to be involved at school, especially with a group of kids who are interested in agriculture. A lot of the kids in FFA don't have much experience with dairy at all and I think it's really important to educate. If we get a chance to do that while they are in high school, then when they become adults they will be able to educate others.

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