Friday, March 16, 2012

Cole's Obsession

I think I've mentioned before about Cole's obsession with putting up barn cameras. He's been saving every penny he finds so he can buy a camera. We looked into security cameras, but they wouldn't work due to the range and the cold. So we kind of gave up on it. We tried to tell him it wouldn't work, but he just couldn't let it go. It got really annoying. Then we got our taxes done and it turns out the dairy got a bit of a refund. Grandpa, being the sucker that he is, decided we should spend that money on, yep, you guessed it, a barn camera. So a couple of weeks ago the guys took some old cows to the sale barn and stopped at a vet supply store. Low and behold, the perfect camera. They had to order it and Pat told him it would be there the following Tuesday. I was hoping it wouldn't come via UPS since that truck doesn't usually come until about 5. I don't know if I could have survived the day without that camera. Luckily, it came via Speedy and was here by about 9AM. That left me just a few hours to listen to the incessant question, "When are we going to do the camera?" It actually wasn't too bad to put up, from what I hear. The best part, it works!

A few years ago, Pat's parents had bought a camera but they could never get it to work quite right. It certainly makes life a little easier, especially in the winter. Instead of Pat having to go out before bed to check the maternity cows, he just has to look at a screen.

In the first couple of days we had it running, we actually had a couple of cows calve. Unfortunately we missed them both. One happened while we were getting ready for school. The other was late in the afternoon when the lighting is bad and she was back in the corner.

This is what hangs in my kitchen. Aren't you jealous you don't get to watch cows calve while you are eating breakfast?

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Do we get to see a live feed on the birthing of a calf???