Monday, November 29, 2010


Seriously, who nominated me to host Thanksgiving???

Ok, so it was really nice to not have to travel, but feeding and housing 11 people for 4 days is a lot of work. Granted, they were also a lot of help so I didn't have to spend 4 days stuck in the kitchen. We managed to have some fun too. Wednesday we went swimming and Tate tried to drown. Thursday we ate. Wait? What? You want to know more about Tate drowning? So here's the back story. Our local Y is nice. We aren't members, but do swimming lessons there. My sister is a Y member, so we headed there for a swim. Only open swim doesn't start until 4 on school days and we arrived around 2. The girl at the front desk claimed it was fine, but the lifeguard wasn't too happy about it. That and her replacement was apparently very late. So while crabby lifeguard was busy telling another boy and his grandfather that he couldn't go swimming, Tate decided to see how deep he could go to reach a ball, only most of us adults were too busy watching sad boy leave and not my 2 year old. So crabby lifeguard had to get wet and Tate was fine. This may sound cold, but frankly the kid could use a good scare once in a while to prove that he is not invincible like he thinks he is.

Anywhoodle, Friday we went and saw Tangled, my first 3-D movie. I could have done without the 3-D. It was a cute movie and guess what? *Spoiler alert* Everyone lives happily ever after, except the bad guy. Who knew?

Saturday everyone left and I slept all day. I managed to catch something and felt awful. I still have a sore throat but am able to eat again.

Yesterday was a much needed day of R&R. I didn't do much and I was fine with that. Today I am catching up on much needed laundry and cleaning. Fun times! Tomorrow, weather permitting, I find out my student teaching placement. I'm anxious and nervous. I've been putting off thinking about it, but it keeps creeping closer and closer and pretty soon I'll have to deal with the reality of having a full time job, even if it is temporary and without pay. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwwwww, man! Thanks for ruining "Tangled" for me! Mean!
