Thursday, December 16, 2010

Total Randomness

A couple of days ago my husband mentioned that we should get a Norwegian Elkhound. It was completely random and out of the blue. The thing is, we tend to make big decisions on the spur of the moment. Like, let's go buy a car, tomorrow. How about let's buy a new couch, but before we measure the room it is supposed to fit in. Side note: yes, my house is always that messy and the couch was supposed to be turned so the part to your left was in front of the window, but then the giant chaise was blocking the door to our bedroom.

Anywhoodle, I've spent the last couple of days searching the internet for the perfect puppy. First up was Elway, but Pat said he would have too much hair. Then there is CoCo, but he apparently found a home as of this morning. Next I found Chrissy, but Pat doesn't want a German Shepherd. Finally, I found Cedar. He was my first pick after CoCo, but the adoption fee is pretty high and the adoption contract is pretty strict. I have no problem getting him fixed, but I don't think it should be a requirement to take him to obedience class. That would be fine, but we are kind of limited with those types of services around here. The internet struck out, so I tried Facebook. A friend pointed me to some local puppies, elkhound/husky mix. Perfect. Pat wants an elkhound, I love my husky. Honestly, if I could clone her I would. I'm waiting to hear back from the owner so maybe we can go look at them soon. They won't be ready until next week, but what a great Christmas present!

We don't need another puppy and now maybe isn't the prime time, but put an idea in my head, and this is what you get.

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