Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Wheels On The Bus

brought my baby boy home from school today. I was a nervous wreck all afternoon. I was a town kid who never rode the bus. In fact, the first time I rode the bus was to a friend's house for a birthday party. I have no idea how old I was, but I was so nervous I tripped and fell in front of the bus on the way off and got a bloody nose. That didn't help my nerves any.

We had been talking about Cole riding the bus home and last week I finally bit the bullet and had them line it up, starting today. He was excited about it, until this morning when he realized he was going to be by himself. I went and had lunch with him today and his teachers were phenomenal in talking up riding the bus. He was supposed to be dropped off at 3:40, so I drove the Ranger down to the end of the driveway to wait, and wait, and wait for what seemed like an eternity. I shouldn't have gone 10 minutes early :) When I finally saw it coming I almost cried. He handled it like a pro, and his driver was very patient with him, and didn't even mind that our dog was trying to get on the bus. What dog wouldn't love a bus full of kids? Cole said his bus was super fast and fun and he wants to ride every day. I think he'll start busing to school next week, but we'll see. I may not be able to handle it.


jennifer elliott said...

are you sure Coley is old enough to be riding the bus by HIMSELF! He's only 1! He's just a baby! I think I'm tearing up at the thought of him riding the bus. I am NOT having any children.

MrsTallPaul said...

LOVED this post - I am a blubbering mess just thinking about the day I put Clara on a bus! You are so brave!

...and isn't it wonderful when something we worry about so much turns out just fine!