Friday, June 11, 2010

School's Out For Summer!

Ok, so it's been almost a month since Cole's last day of school, but I have had very little blogging time lately.

Cole's last day went well. They had the parents meet the kids and we ate lunch, had recess, then finished the day with story time. It was a little precursor for school readiness next year. During recess, the teachers were telling me about the petting zoo and farm safety day the FFA put on that day. Apparently Cole, being the farm kid that he is, piped up and started sharing about the cow that had died and had stuff coming out of her. We had an older cow who gave birth to a large bull calf and had prolapsed (expelled her uterus) and died the previous weekend. He's so full of wonderful information. Anyway, the teachers had told him that that was sad that the cow had died, but he isn't too bothered by death. He has a basic understanding that things die and aren't around anymore, but he really hasn't lost anything important to him, other than Benny the goat and Cole was too young last summer to get it. Death is a natural part of farm life and right now that's all he needs to understand.

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