Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I'll probably jinx myself, but I need to brag. Cole is finally potty trained. He's been doing well for quite a while. I wasn't going to push the night time thing until he was maybe entering high school. He's been dry 3 nights in a row! I've been holding back the liquids after supper and that seems to be working. Last night, however, Grandma and Grandpa took the boys into town to buy candy and bug juice, at about 8 o'clock. I though there was no way Cole would be dry this morning, but sure enough, he was. He was very tearful this morning, but dry in his pullup! If that wasn't enough, I managed to finally catch Tate in the act of pooping and got him to go in the potty! Whoo hoo! I'm not pushing the potty with him. I put him on before and after bed and nap time and if I catch him clutching his diaper and saying "pee!"

Speaking of bm's. For the few guys that may read this, why is it that guys cannot poop anywhere but at home? Cole refuses to go anywhere but here, including Grandma's house and Grandma R's house. He's very familiar and comfortable at both places. I just don't get it.


MrsTallPaul said...

Your last paragraph is too funny! I actually remember hearing once on Oprah about some actually toilet phobia... But yeah and it doesn't seem to get any better as they get older... if you know who I am talking about! Love reading your blog - keep it up! mamie

mrsolsenk12 said...

Yay Cole!!! That is great. My neices have been the same way when they are young about pooping in public. They are still afraid of the self flushing toilets. I don't understand it either.