Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Preschool Screening

Ya, ya, ya. I know. It's been a while. I do have a lot to blog about, but it's pretty low on the totem pole at the moment.

Anywhoozle, Cole had preschool screening 2 weeks ago. It went pretty well. I'm kind of glad we couldn't do it back in September. I think he would have had to be re screened at that point. He did everything he was asked except a few things. One was making a +. He made more of a T. He also couldn't stand on one foot, although he can, he was just goofing around. The other thing he didn't do was walking one foot in front of the other on a line. He apparently took some creative liberty with that one and decided to slide his feet down the line. The highlight for me was that we knew 3 of the 4 developmental screeners. We of course ended up with the one that we didn't know. She had stepped out and one of the other teachers stepped in and took us back to her station. Just as we were finishing, the speech therapist walked by and said she had wanted to screen Cole. Cole has never had speech. He's been tested once, but hasn't had a lot of contact with the speech therapist. However, every day she comes in to his preschool class to pull out kids he runs up says "Hi, Mrs. P~! How are you today?" I just wonder who in the world that kid is. He certainly isn't mine!

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