Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Look Back at 2009

Hi, it’s me, Clyde, the goat. I’ve been a little skittish around the humans, so they thought they’d try and include me in the Christmas letter this year. I figured since I’m probably a descendant of a goat who was at the first Christmas that I’d give it a try. I’m new to the family this year. They got me this summer to replace their first pygmy goat who was a birthday present. I guess he died. Don’t ask. Anyway, since I’m new I’ll just tell you what I know.

Pat is around quite a bit, but he’s always busy. He spends a lot of time in the shop and a lot of time in the skid loader. When he’s not working on something he’s out and about at meetings for the fire department and the local grain elevator. I don’t think he sleeps much.

Becky is usually gone, it seems. She’s always carting the kids somewhere or she’s off to class. She’s also been putting in time at the local high school helping in the math classroom and recently she started substitute teaching. On weekends she’s usually busy with church stuff. She’s on the board of Ed., so she’s been busy with Sunday school and she’s also taken on the high school youth group. She and Pat are heading to New Orleans for the youth gathering next July.

Cole, 3 ½, started preschool this year. He’s gone two mornings a week. He seems to like it, but only ever talks about playing and having snack. One day I heard him proclaim “I had snack and I was a pig!” Later I saw him running around with pig ears. I just assumed he was a pig because he had too much snack! He really likes me, but I usually run off because he just likes to chase me. I often hear him bleating like I do, though!

Tate, 17 mos, is busy as ever. He’s always on the go, now that he knows how to walk and climb. He had to have some physical therapy to get moving, but the therapist said he was a great little worker. Every time she’d show him something he’d start doing it the very next day. Now he’s starting to say some words and he loves to pick on Cole. Those two have very different personalities.

The family has also been through a lot of pet changes this year. Before I came along, they got a new dog. Juno, a red husky mix, joined the family in January after Calvin got hit by the milk truck. Roy the cat is still around and of course, so are the cows. When I first came, I lived with the chickens and geese, but the chickens disappeared shortly after I arrived, and the geese disappeared just a couple of weeks ago. Now I live with the steers and thoroughly enjoy eating heifer feed.

The other big news is my family is famous! This picture was submitted to and they are putting it in their book (due out in spring). Not only that, but when the authors were interviewed on Rachael Ray, this picture was on the show! Don’t worry, Tate still has his fingers, but beware of camels!

Have a very merry Christmas! Clyde and the family, Pat, Becky, Cole, and Tate

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