Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Thanks Dad!

I went to the doctor today. I've been having more frequent migraines and decided it was time I did something about it. Do you know how they prevent migraines? They put you on blood pressure meds. No problem right? Well, thanks to my wonderful genetics, I have low blood pressure. So if I appear dizzy, you'll know why. Looking forward to it! I guess we'll figure out the worse of 2 evils, migraines or dizziness!

1 comment:

Hope said...

When I was dealing with constant migraines they put me on Daypro and amytryptiline. Daypro is an NSAID and amy. is an antidepressant used more now days for pain control than depression. WHen they came back after the accident they put me on Relpax. Just an idea for you.