Saturday, February 21, 2009


If you don't want to read about kid puke, stop reading now.

Last night we ended up eating supper rather late. I had started making supper and then the cows broke the electric fence, so I spent the next half hour helping herd cows. By the time I got in the house Tate was all worked up and very hungry. He was so mad he wouldn't even eat his peaches. By the time I got him fed and supper made it was almost 7. After supper we were sitting in front of the TV when I realized it was already after 8 and time for the kids to get ready for bed. I was getting Tate ready when Cole starting coughing. That's nothing new, he fake coughs a lot, but this was different. It was almost like he was choking, when all of a sudden, puke. I picked him up and headed to the bathroom. He was so upset because his shirt was dirty and his hand was dirty. I cleaned him up the best I could, stripped him down and threw him in the tub. I asked if his tummy hurt, but the only answer I got was "tummy hurt." So we got him ready for bed and he seemed fine. He's been fine ever since. It was very odd. I can count on one hand the number of times the kid has been sick in his life. It's very rare for him to even have a cold (knock on wood). Poor guy didn't know what was going on. I'm glad it appears to be an isolated incident. Hopefully we won't see that happen again for a very long time.

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