Friday, August 3, 2012


I've seen this chore list for kids floating around facebook and pinterest lately.  Somehow, feeding calves didn't get on there. I'm stumped.  Anyway, Cole has been begging me to get the wagon out for him to feed calves.  I've been giving him a hard time about why can't he just do my chores and he told me one day "if you just get the wagon, then I can!"  So a couple of weeks ago, we did.  He is in hog heaven.  Every morning he gets up and feeds calves.  Every afternoon he goes out and feeds them again.  We have close to 30 calves right now, so I gave him a group of 8 that he is in charge of.  He does a pretty good job too.  It takes him a little longer, but he's accurate.  We'll see how the rest of the summer goes, but I'm thinking he may work me right out of a job!

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