Cole is also enjoying his summer. We've finished up our ECFE classes and he has done remarkably well with separation. Potty training is, well, it is what it is I guess. It's not going terribly well. He was going in the potty a few times a day and now we are back to zero. I guess we'll try the running outside naked thing next.
On Monday Cole starts his SPED class. There will be 5 little boys in his class, 3 of whom he is familiar with. I'm excited for him. I think he'll really enjoy it once he gets over the separation thing. Oh, and just so we are clear, this isn't what you would normally think of as a SPED class. I know when I was in school, SPED was for the kids with mental of physical disabilities, as well as the troubled kids. Now it's more of a preventative thing. I honestly don't expect him to be in SPED through his school years. All the little boys in his class are just a little behind in certain things, like speech, or in Cole's case, social and fine motor skills. I know that we are about 10 years behind the curve out here, but my biggest peeves are hearing things like "Your kid is going to naughty school?". The worst is coming from family though. Those are the comments like, "You don't need special school. You aren't stupid." Honestly, the kid is going to feel stupid from hearing comments like that, not from going to school. Enough of my soap box...
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