of an almost 3 year old on a dairy farm.
First, it's up and outside

to help Daddy clean barns.

Then it's off to feed the cows their breakfast.

I fit in a little time on the sand pile while Mommy feeds calves.

Then it's time for breakfast. I am hungry!

Next up is play time! I love to swing!

Of course, I have some phone calls to make too.

I also get to help Mommy bake. My favorite part is cleanup!

It's off to wash my face and hands,

which makes me really thirsty.

Then it's down for a nap.

After nap, it's back to chores. This time I help Mommy feed calves. First we add the milk

then we stir it all up.

Then I go play in the tires

and my favorite sand pile.

I even squeeze in time for the baby kitties, but Mommy says not to actually squeeze the kitties.

Then I wash up the pails

and dump out the water.

When we are all done with chores, it's time for my piano lesson. (I'm self taught.)

Finally it's time for

I get a story.

I brush my teeth.

I turn on my tractor light.

Good night!
Very cute post. For some reason, in the picture of Coley in his jammie pants, he is the spitting image of Pat. Not just because of how he's wearing his pants either ;-)
Love it! Cole is just too cute! Hope all is well with the whole family... Tell the whole gang we say hello from IL!
That's adorable! But when does he have time to play with his brother? I love the post.
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