goat, that is. The boys received their birthday present from Auntie Hope and Uncle Mike today. It's a joint gift, thank goodness! And yes, we knew about it. They didn't just spring a baby goat on us;-)
Anywho, isn't he cute? We haven't completely settled on a name yet. Cole's suggestion was Black. Pat's is Buck. I haven't come up with a good one yet. There's always Alfie or Spunky or Benny....

So what do the boys think? Well, Tate likes his big ears.

Cole isn't so sure. The goat is very loud and Cole isn't too fond of his crying, but he did pretty good with him.

Juno thinks he tastes great. She climbed into his calf hut and took him, by the neck, for a little adventure this afternoon. Needless to say one of them will be locked up until the little guy is big enough to hold his own.
Feel free to leave your name suggestions in the comments. Pat has named every pet we own so I think it's my turn.
I think it's your turn too!
Gavin says Brody. Tova says Goat. If Ethan were here I'm sure he'd suggest some sort of Star Wars name. I'm going to suggest Tobias. Happy Naming!
I kinda like Benny.
I think ET fits especially with the white ears and nose.
I want a goat, too! But Charlie won't let me. :( Name him Charlie! Krissy has a dog named Charlie. Now you can have a goat named Charlie. Perfect!
How about Brownie? I think I need some chocolate.
Sarah Fowler
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