Monday, March 21, 2011

The Kid Who Failed Preschool

I remember talking about that kid and just this week my students were talking about it and asking how do you fail preschool?

Cole is going to be that kid. Kindergarten round-up was a couple of weeks ago, and we didn't go. I feel awful knowing that some day he may be teased for it, but on the other hand, it will be so much better for him in the long run, and that is what is important.

I've had a lot of people question our decision. Most of them try to do the "but he's smart!" comment. It's not about being stupid or smart. It's about being ready, and he is not. I've answered the questionnaires and we've gotten his spring progress report, and according to all the standards, he's ready. But he's not. He still struggles and I don't want school to be a struggle. I want him to be challenged, but I don't want him to struggle.

I'm sad to see this group of peers move on without him. He's not particularly attached to anyone, but I've known a lot of these parents since our preschoolers were babies. Some of them we'll meet again with Tate, but others will move on without us. It's the right decision, but a sad one too.

1 comment:

mrsolsenk12 said...

Nothing wrong with another year of preschool. Boys aren't always ready as early as girls. If that is what he needs than that is what he needs. Boys with summer b-days (like Cole) are borderline anyway.