Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Dentist

So apparently we got something right when we made Cole. The ladies at the dental office were just beside themselves because of his cuteness. Who can resist a red headed boy with big brown eyes? He is adorable. He was full of questions, as usual, and he did really well. He watched a little bit of my appointment and then went back for his own appointment. He let them clean his teeth and do fluoride. His teeth didn't do so well. He ended up with 6 cavities. Yes, SIX! He's not even 4 yet. Apparently he inherited the right combination of looks, but the bad set of teeth. So if anyone has some extra money lying around, you know where to send it. If his baby teeth are going to be this expensive, I don't even want to think about what it's going to cost when he's in high school!

1 comment:

MrsTallPaul said...

Makes me very thankful for dental insurance! paul and I both had bad teeth growing up... hopefully those genes didn't transfer! Always enjoy reading! mamie