We had a pretty successful trip to Sioux Falls. The roads weren't great this morning and we saw about half a dozen cars and as many or more semis in the ditch. Not sure how they got there, but it did take us slightly longer than normal. They fixed the van. It only took about an hour. They just cleaned it out and got the door working. They are going to replace the latch, but I'm going to see if we can get that done in Rochester instead of making another trip back to Sioux Falls.
I got some shopping done. I bought some Christmas gifts and picked up a few odds and ends. While at Target Pat mentioned about getting a Wii. I thought he was joking, but turns out he was serious. I know they are hard to come by, so I just kind of wrote it off. When we were walking through the mall, we saw they had some in stock at Game Stop. So we bought one. We just have the basic Wii for now. I'm thinking we'll ask for MarioKart and maybe a WiiFit for Christmas. We played a little bit tonight when we got home, but Pat took off to finish up some field work. They have to get out either early in the morning or at night when the ground is hard enough to drive on. We did have our first Wii casualty. Cole got a little over excited watching us play and grabbed the nunchuck, which isn't hooked up and started swinging it. He caught me and gave me a nice little cut on the bridge of my nose. He was having a blast watching us bowl. After every bowl he would clap and proclaim "Nice spare!" He's too funny
1 comment:
I love the Wii!!! I don't have one myself! But my favorite game is on WiiPlay... you get to race cows!!!! It is a blast! Hope all else if going great for you and the family! Tell Everyone hello from the Illinois Blomquists!
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