I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. We spent the day at Pat's sister's. The food was great and we had a good time. Cole had a rough day. He started by tripping and falling down the front steps, again. This time he cut his lip. He luckily missed his teeth. Later he tripped over Pat's feet and bonked his head on the floor, then later yet, he ran into the table. Poor kid. He's doing much better today.
So today is Black Friday. Anybody do some shopping? I did the early morning thing once and was not impressed. It was quite a few years ago. I went with a friend and her mom. It was the year Dayton's, now Marshall Field's, had the bride and groom Santa bears. Nothing says Merry Christmas like watching grown women plow each other over at 5 AM to get some teddy bears. Ah, the holiday spirit. I've gone shopping on this day in the past, but not before 9AM. I was kind of disappointed with the ads this year. There really wasn't anything worth shopping for, for me anyway.
So now Christmas can start. I put up our lights outside and am in the process of taking down our fall decor and putting up our Christmas stuff. I've been writing our Christmas letter in my head for a while, but haven't come up with anything good so far. I also need to work on getting a good picture of the boys. That may take all month.
In other news, they came and pumped our septic system today. They replaced the drain plug, which are hoping was the problem. We shall see. I need to do laundry and that is usually when it smells the worst. Hopefully this will take care of it. I'd rather have the house smell like Christmas than poop!
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