Saturday, October 13, 2012

The College Fund

I had a garage sale this weekend.  I understand, now, why some people refuse to do them.  I thought I would try it once.  I don't know that I would do it again.  I prefer to just give people my stuff if I know they can use it.  I actually have 4 boxes upstairs waiting for delivery to a friend.

Anywhoodle, Friday night was spent loading the pickup with boxes and totes of clothes and toys.  Since I live in the country, a neighbor and I decided to haul our stuff into town for the community wide sales to generate more business.  After things were loaded, Shelby and I took off to do a little garage sale shopping.  When I got home, Cole had convinced Pat that he was coming with.  I promptly told him no.  He didn't want to know why he couldn't come, but instead wanted to know how else he was going to get money for college!  No money for toys or candy for that one.  It's going straight for college!  So how is it that a 6 year old is planning that far ahead?  Well, remember our pigs?  Our pigs, and any red steers, fund our kids college funds.  So Cole was convinced that he had a ton of money coming to him when we sold our pigs, only to discover that the money was going for college.  So now he thinks all money needs to go for college.  I feel sorry for his future wife, if he has time for one.  That girl is going to have to be completely smitten to take second place to work all the time.  :)

Oh, and as for the garage sale.  I made enough to pay up our neighbor for babysitting Shelby and the advertising and had an extra $5 in my pocket.

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