Monday, September 17, 2012

Tall Tales

Tate has been busy telling stories lately.  Most of his stories involve his "cousin" J.  She is his second or third cousin (however that works), and he sees her at school, but doesn't really know her very well.  Anywho, he always has stories about what J has or the time he was at J's house.  Before J, it was stories about going to his friend's house, which he's never done.  Sometimes his friend lives in China, sometimes wherever we happen to be driving.  I'm just not sure how far to let it go.  Yesterday on the way home from church he was telling me about when he goes to his "other" dad's house.  At that, I nicely told him he doesn't have another dad.  I'm really just at a loss.  Is this normal?  Do I just let it go?  Do I tell him over and over again that it's not true?  I'm just not sure how to handle this.  I can't help but laugh a little, but I have a feeling Pat won't think the "other" dad business is quite as funny.  Any advice out there bloggy land?

For your viewing pleasure, since I haven't posted pics in a while.

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