Thursday, January 19, 2012

Side Effect Central

The curse of red hair has struck again. I've been told that red heads have a different chemistry than the "normal" population and we react differently to things. That has certainly been true for me. Anesthesia, cold medicine, you name it, I have side effects. My pregnancy has been going well. The progesterone shots seem to be doing the trick and keeping baby inside. However, the last few weeks of shots have given me a horrible itching welt the size of a softball. Each week is a little worse. Turns out, I'm reacting to the shot and if it keeps getting worse, I will have to stop them. I only have 7 more to go, but my doctor is afraid it could affect my breathing. Fantastic! As much as I *enjoy* them, if they keep this kid in longer, I'll deal with the itching. I am so not
ready for this baby to come. We are in the process of remodeling the boys's bedroom. We tore down plaster and lath on Monday, rewired on Tuesday, insulated yesterday, and started sheet rock today. We are now at a stand still until the wiring inspector shows up. This is creating a problem as our sheet rock/mudding/taping guy is heading back south on Tuesday. I can't do anything in Baby Girl's room until the boys are back in their room and that will require trimming, carpet cleaning, and painting (not necessarily in that order) first. I did finally break down and order some new pump parts. I figure if baby does come early at least I will have that ready to go (providing I can find my pump). Although, I think after 6 years insurance may buy
me another one. The one perk of having a preemie! I've been tempted to dig out the changing table so I can figure out what gear I have and what gear we'll need to replace. We did get a new car seat for Christmas (it's PINK!) and I have a handful of clothes. Pat and I are heading to a grain convention early in Feb. which means meetings for him and shopping for me. I probably need to know what we are missing by then. Aaack! I'm overwhelming myself. Must be time for a nap. I will leave you with these:
The blob over her mouth is the umbilical cord. She is holding her foot up on her forehead. She certainly didn't get her flexibility from me.

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