Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Letter to Your Legislature

So if you've read my blog at all, you know I feel very strongly about a few issues; organics, car seats, and breastfeeding. So today I will once again be standing on my breast feeding soap box. So Michelle Obama is trying to promote women to breast feed as part of her health initiative.

I have never had an issue with weight. I've never been past 34 weeks of pregnancy, so I never gained a ton of weight with either of my boys. What I can tell you is that my oldest child is now 4 1/2 and has been to the doctor for illness maybe 5 times. My youngest has been once, that I can recall. During their first year of life, while they were being breastfed, Cole went to the doctor once and Tate never went. I firmly believe that was because I breastfed them.

Michele Bachmann, who I'm ashamed to say is from the same state, thinks that providing support, and tax cuts for breast pumps to women who want to breastfeed, would create a nanny state. Wait, what? Heaven forbid breastfeeding become the norm. I mean, that wouldn't be fair to people who choose to formula feed. Only, isn't the government currently the largest buyer of infant formula? It's called the WIC program, Michele! Yes, they "try" to promote breastfeeding, but giving a voucher for cereal, juice, and carrots, isn't exactly the best promotion. Can our politicians get any dumber? Let's use just a wee bit of common sense before we open our mouth next time, ok?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't think it's possible. I'm pretty sure she was skipped the day they handed out common sense. Or a mouth filter.