Tuesday, October 6, 2009

My New Job

I started subbing this week. I started Monday by teaching the last 2 hours of high school math. I'm also doing an internship in the same class a few hours a week. Monday went ok, but the kids didn't have enough to do so they got a little rowdy by the end of class. Today went better. The first 3 classes basically continued working on whatever they had been working on. The last 2 classes I introduced a new lesson. The school is using integrated math, real-life application type math. I haven't worked with it much, but I get the drift that the kids really don't like it that much and I honestly wonder how applicable it really is. Yes, the examples are nice, but it's a lot of examples and very little typical math. I remember a professor telling us that math is about learning the process. It's basically teaching students a different way to learn. I don't see them learning the process. If you give them a completely different example they can't process it. It certainly isn't making them ready for college level math. I obviously haven't worked with it enough to make complete and total judgement.

Anyway, I survived. I'm exhausted. My knees and back hurt but I've finally thawed out from my room in the arctic circle. It felt kind of nice to go out and earn a paycheck, but it would be a whole lot nicer if I didn't have homework tonight.

1 comment:

Katie Blomquist said...

question... is the series they were using called Connected Math? If so... we used it my first year of teaching... didn't go over too well... however... the school district is looking to go back that direction when we get new books again! I agree... it needs more of the basics... but.. if the district says I have to teach it that way.. I guess I will!