Ok, gush away! Sorry I don't have any pictures of just our little girl, they are all on my phone. So instead you get to admire pictures of the very excited big brothers.

I had my routine appointment Thursday morning. They've been a bit concerned about her growth, so I've been doing weekly ultrasounds for about the last 3-4 weeks. There were a few things that in and of themselves weren't concerning, but together my doctor decided it was better for her to be out than in. I was happy to oblige. So after my appointment I headed upstairs where they monitored me and baby for a while to make sure everything was ok. At about 2 they started me on pitocin. The contractions were getting stronger, but nothing unbearable. However, Shelby wasn't tolerating the meds very well. Her heart rate would periodically drop and we couldn't find a position for me that would keep it where it should be. So they stopped pitocin at about 4. My doctor came in at 5:30 and broke my water, then they started pitocin at the lower dose. The contractions were getting much stronger and more frequent this time around. They still weren't unbearable, but I knew they needed time for the epidural, so I rang for the nurse. When she came in, my contractions were right on top of each other and Shelby's heart rate was dropping again. So I ended up with 3 nurses in my room trying to situate me in such a way that was good for Shelby, but we weren't having much luck. At that point they decided to call in an OR team just in case. The plan was to take me down to the operating room and let me labor there but be ready just in case a c-section was needed. Shortly after 7 we made it down to the OR. The anesthesiologist started trying to get the epidural in, but it was too late. She got the catheter in, but when they flipped me over to my back, I was already pushing. We were in the OR for less than 10 minutes before our little girl made her appearance. She's small, but healthy. Pat finally got to cut the cord for one of our kids. He did really well through it all. The worst part for him was when they were trying to put the catheter in for the epidural. It certainly didn't go as planned, but it's over and she's here! I promise I'll post more pictures once I get home and settled.
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