Pat and I decided that after 5 years of marriage we should take a vacation, just the two of us. Then milk prices went to pot, so we waited a year and headed to Vegas for our 6 year anniversary. We knew Vegas wasn't the warmest spot, but it typically averages in the 50s or 60s in January. Heck, compared with the -12 it is today, that's heavenly. Only thing is, it snowed. In the desert. While we were there. Granted, it melted right away and it was still warmer there than here, but I was really looking forward to shedding my coat for a couple of days.
Despite the cold, we had a great time. Vegas was a nice city to visit, once, but there are other places I would like to see before we go back. We did a lot of wandering around the strip, checking out all the hotels and shops. Here we are at NY NY with the jelly bean statue of liberty.

After the Dam, we headed back to Vegas, drove down the strip, went to the outlet mall, and the Gold and Silver Pawn Shop. The place is tiny, much smaller than it looks on TV.
We also made time to take in a couple of shows. The first night we saw Blue Man Group, which I would definitely see again. The next night we headed to Cirque du Soleil. I don't have a desire to see it again, but it was definitely worth seeing once. Just the fact that the 7 different stages move up and down 9 stories, rotate and tilt beyond vertical is one thing. It's a completely different thing to watch people perform while those stages are moving and tilting. At one point there was a fight seen while the stage was completely vertical. Wow. Click the link and watch the trailer. It really is that impressive.
At any rate, it was a good trip. We got home, got our mud room remodel mostly done, and I started student teaching the following Monday. I'll blog about that later, maybe :)
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