A couple of weeks ago we took a family vacation. This was the first real vacation we've taken since Cole was just over a year. It still involved a wedding, but the wedding only dictated the location, and wasn't the majority of the trip. Anywho, our trip didn't start out so hot when only 2 hours into it Tate looked like this:

We stopped on our way out and bought a tent for our first night. Just so you know, 2 small children in a tent in western North Dakota, in early June, don't equal a good night's sleep. Cole did fine. Tate was another story. He refused to go to sleep until it was dark, so with the time change that was close to 11PM our time. Then the temp dipped down into the 40s and he had thrown all his blankets out of the pack n' play. So for the first time ever we had to have a child sleep with us. Three people on a partially deflated air mattress (air compresses when it gets that cold) equals not so much sleep for mommy.

To top it off, the boys were up at 5:30 AM our time. We managed to hold them off for another half an hour and went to breakfast. Then we packed up and went to a park until the dinosaur museum opened.

The museum was ok. It was a lot of rocks and not so much dinosaurs, but it was something to do and the boys didn't care. Next stop, Theodore Roosevelt National Park:

If you have never made the trip west, I highly recommend it. There is a 36 mile driving loop around the park. The ranger at the gate told us it would take an hour and a half. We exited 3 hours later. We stopped and hiked trails, took pictures, chased prairie dogs...

The boys got a little lesson in flowers,

like this gorgeous blue flower. I've never seen anything, besides the sky, so naturally blue.

We saw wild horses and their foals.

We even saw a lone buffalo.

We stopped in
Medora, the home of the Medora Musical. We didn't get to see the musical. I would have liked to, but we had a wedding to attend!

We spent one night with a college friend and headed to the wedding and reception on Saturday. Tate loved dancing.

Cole did not.

It was great to see so many "old" college friends.

So side story, we stayed at the old Super 8 in Lemmon, SD. From here on out we will call it the Creepy Clown Motel. When I went to check in, the office was jam packed with clowns. Ok, I'm not scared of clowns, but they are pretty creepy and a lot of people are afraid of them. Why would you display them in your hotel office??? Anywho, it was a place to sleep and we survived. I did have some flashbacks to that horror movie where the couple gets locked in their hotel room. No idea what it's called, and never seen it, but anywhoodle...
We even had time to see some petrified wood before we left town.

On the way home we stopped at
Storybook Land.

It was a good break for the kids and I thought this sign would have been helpful about a
year ago:

So there you have it, our vacation in pictures. I've got some blogs written in my head, and maybe if you are lucky I'll actually put them on the computer! Wouldn't that be special?
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