After our trip to the zoo, we headed to the campground. We didn't really "camp" like I had wanted to, but I am so done with hotels. Nothing like spending $100 to sit on a bed and watch TV. No thank you. We were going to tent camp originally, but with the threat of rain I decided we'd rent a camping cabin instead. The bed left something to be desired, but overall, it worked out pretty well. When we arrived we grilled up some cheddar sausages for supper. Cole spent a good portion of his time chasing this little guy.

Then we headed off to the pool before it rained. I bought a swim ring for Cole and he loved it. He was comfortable in it enough to swim on his own, which was nice. He had a blast "getting that boy" that was also in the pool.
He also really liked climbing up to the top bunk. He slept on the bottom and could have used the railing. He made it until 2 AM before he fell out of bed. I woke up to a thunk and him trying to get back into bed. I made him sleep on the floor.

The next morning we made a quick visit to the playground. The boys both loved the airplane. Tate just sat back and giggled the whole time. I wonder what goes on in that head of his.

Finally a family picture before we headed off to the hospital.

Our first stop was to the hospital for some chest x-rays. Cole told the tech he had to get pictures taken of his heart. When asked how he knew that, he
proceeded to tell her "cuz I'm smart!" I think he had a little coaching, but still cute. He made it through the x-rays like a pro. Pat said he was a little nervous with the x-ray machine, but did just fine. Then it was off to the cardiologist's office. After they viewed the x-rays and listened to him, they sent us on our merry way. Everything is still looking just like it should. They do want to see us again when he is 6, as that's protocol. But all in all, it was a good visit. No tears and no screaming equals success in my book.
After the Dr. we met my friend K and her little boy for lunch at Old Chicago's. Then it was off for a very little shopping. After that Pat wanted to go to the Toyota dealer. He still thinks we will be able to trade off my van next year, but we aren't sure what we want. That's another post though.
Stay tuned tomorrow for a special post on a special day! My baby turns 1!
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