Fortunately the day went ok. It was back to school after our nice spring break. After class I managed to get a little nap. Sadly, I think those days are coming to a close. Cole used to nap for 3 hours. Lately, if he naps at all, it's only about an hour and a half, at most. I don't know if it's the weather or what. In one way it's nice because we can spend part of our afternoon outside playing, but on the other hand, I like naps! I did manage a little productivity today. I got all the laundry folded from yesterday. I had the boys clothes folded and in the basket ready to go upstairs. We keep their jammies in a cupboard in the dining room (less trips up and down stairs). I went to put the jammies away, came back and discovered this.
Cole and I also started an ECFE class tonight. It's a separating class, and Cole made it the whole time. They had 2 teachers stay with the kids and a lot of new kids tonight, so he wasn't the only crier. They all made it through. Hopefully he can keep it up.
Other than that, nothing terribly exciting. Tomorrow Juno goes in to get fixed, which means an early morning for me.
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