This was our Christmas letter this year. I had it formatted like a newspaper.
Two Year Old Breaks Leg
Cole R~ had just finished his swimming lessons the night before. The following afternoon his mom, Becky, took him out in his kiddie pool. “He was just playing around, getting in and out when he caught his foot on the edge, twisted his left leg and broke it” reports R~. “I didn’t know it was broken. I thought he hurt his ankle or knee, but he just kept crying so I took him to the doctor.” After the x-rays they realized he had indeed broken his left femur. They casted him from his belly button down to his toes on his left leg and to his knee on the right. “He couldn’t sit or stand or anything. All he could do was lay there” says his mom. It took him about a week to figure out he could crawl around on his belly. His dad, Pat, claims the break didn’t seem to phase him. “He just kind of rolls with the punches” he stated. Cole was in a cast for only 4 of the projected 6 weeks. It took him about a week after the cast was off to start using the leg again. To date he is back running, jumping, and being a normal toddler.
Are We Over Scheduling Our Kids?
“We are always on the go” reports Becky R~, mom of 2 boys. “Between play group, ECFE, story time, doctor’s appointments, swimming lessons, and everything else, we never seem to spend much time at home.” R~ states that her reason for scheduling her 2 year old in so much is that he is very shy and needs to be around other kids. “I also want him to feel comfortable when he starts school next year” she claims. While most parents agree it would be nice to slow down, they also agree it’s hard to choose what to cut out.
Mom Delivers Second, Unexpected, Preemie
In 2006, Becky R~ unexpectedly went into labor at 30 weeks. She gave birth to a little, but healthy, boy. With no reason to believe it should happen again, the couple decided to have a second child. “The doctors monitored me very closely and never found anything unusual” claims R~. Still, the local mom went into labor early again. On July 14th she gave birth to their second son, Tate David, in Marshall at 34 weeks gestation. “He is doing just fine. He’s nearly 14 pounds and is a pretty happy baby” claims R~. Tate weighed 5 and a half pounds and was 19 inches long when he was born. He was discharged from the hospital after 4 days.
Local Dairy Farmers Keep Expanding
Local dairy farmer, Pat R~, started farming with his parents in 2006. Then they were milking about 70 head. With the addition of another free stall barn, the second since 2006, they will have capacity for 140 head. “It’s a lot of work, but it allows me to stay home with our two boys” states his wife, Becky. While he may not enjoy the long days, R~ does enjoy farm life. The couple moved onto the dairy site this summer, along with their two young boys. “My parents built a new house less than a quarter mile down the road. This way no one has to travel very far to work.”
R~ Trivia
Tate and Cole are a lot a like. True or False?
False. Tate has a more extreme personality where Cole is more laid back. When Tate is mad, he’s mad, but he can also be very smiley and giggly.
Pat is
a) A volunteer firefighter
b) Lazy
c) On the elevator board
Answer: a & c. I think he’d like some time to be lazy, but rarely finds any. He had a very busy year as the elevator went through a lot of transition.
Cole’s favorite past time is
a) Riding in the tractor
b) Chores
c) Throwing fits
d) Hugging other kids
Answer: Most certainly not d. He does not liked to be touched by other kids. He also throws relatively few fits. So that leaves a and b. He loves to be in the tractor and if you tell him it’s time to go work he heads straight for his boots and the door.
Becky will graduate this spring. True or False?
Answer: False. She would love to be done, but two kids makes it tough to take many classes. She can see the light, but it may take a couple of years to get there.
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