I have never been so excited to find out something is wrong with Cole.
Cole will turn 8 in June. He still won't ride a bike and can't swing himself on the swing. I get frustrated and he gets frustrated and shuts down. When Shelby was in for her checkup (she's 2! and I'll get to her birthday post before she turns 3), I asked our doctor about some of Cole's issues. She suggested we take him in for a short assessment, aka free, by a physical therapist. I checked with his PE teacher at school, but wasn't hopeful he would notice anything, he didn't, and I wasn't hopeful the PT would notice anything either. Cole tends to be anything but text book and I figured he has learned to compensate with other things so well that the same would be true with this latest issue.
He had his PT assessment today. I explained to the therapist about his ear and what's been going on. He looked at me and says "he has a vestibular impairment. That was my specialty." I think my mouth hit the floor. He ran the assessments and wouldn't you know it, my boy is a text book case. The even better news: they can fix it! We start after Easter. Here's to a summer riding bikes on 2 wheels and swinging!