Cole had ear surgery #2 in August. This was the hardest one yet. This time he knew exactly what to expect and he did not want to experience it. He held it together until the nurse anesthetist came in to take him back. Then the tears came for him and just try not to cry when your kid does for something like that. He handled it like a champ though. There was no regrowth, so they rebuilt his ear. It was a much shorter surgery this time. He's had his follow up and goes for a hearing test in October. I think he hears better, but I don't know that we are without-a-hearing-aid better.
Tate is loving year 2 of preschool. He has made a great buddy, named G. G just so happens to be the little brother of his good friend C, from 3s preschool. I find that funny. He and G get into a bit of trouble, but nothing major, mostly talking and not listening.
Tate-preschool, Cole-1st grade |
Shelby is as busy as ever. She is constantly on the go. She never walks, always runs or climbs. She still doesn't have a lot of words, or teeth. She says night and hot along with mom and dad.
Cheese! |
I am coaching cross country again. This is my 3rd season. So far my top 2 returning runners have been out with a concussion or appendicitis. We have enough girls for a team this year, which is great.
Pat finished up our heifer shed, and today we moved steers into the old heifer yard. So now they are done with building projects for the year! Our silage is chopped and they should start on earlage this week.
Cole and I ran in a road race last week. It was a fundraiser for our local pet rescue. We ran about 2.5 miles. He only walked a few times, and for just a few steps each time. He talked the whole race! It was a blast and I am so proud of him.
That's all for now!