Cole had his surgery today. It did not go well. Well, I take that back, it did not go as hoped. I should have guessed today was not going to be a great day. Shelby was up 7 or 8 times between 10:30 and 4 this morning. I finally managed to get 2 1/2 hours of sleep in a row, at the expense of my alarm clock which apparently shut itself off this morning. Pat called wanting to know if I was up 15 minutes before we needed to be on the road. We were not off to a great start. We managed to get there on time, miraculously.
The surgery process itself was fine. Cole was a trooper. They said he hopped up on the bed and chatted away until he was out. They came to get us 20 minutes later. I knew that wasn't a good sign. Turns out the drainage in his ear isn't drainage. He has a cyst which may be harder to remove. They took his adenoids out, then went to suction the drainage, but kept getting chunks, instead of liquid. So what does that mean? He has to have a CT scan to get a look at the ear bones. The cyst can erode the bones of the ear, so they need to check that they are ok or if they need to rebuild them. It will also give them an idea of the placement of the cyst. The reason they don't do the CT scan first is that drainage and cysts look the same, so they don't know what they are dealing with until they go in. Removing it can be as simple as lifting the ear drum and scraping it out or as complicated as having to drill in the bone behind the ear to get at it. The CT scan should give them a better idea of what they are looking at. I'm obviously hopeful for the first option, but not terribly optimistic. He has his scan on Friday. I'm not sure what we are looking at for surgery #2 yet.
Coming out of surgery was no picnic. He did well, but he was hurting and didn't know what to make of it all. As I write this he is back to his normal self, so he bounced back quickly. I gently broke it to him tonight that he would have to go back again, but this time they wouldn't be messing with his throat, just his ear. He takes it all in stride like he usually does.
As far as his hearing goes, if the bones are not eroded, he should regain perfect hearing. If they have to rebuild bones, he can come away with good hearing, but it will never be perfect. I guess I'm just glad it's not life threatening and he still has perfect hearing in his right ear in which to ignore me with. :)
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
8 months!
My baby girl turned 8 months last week. I cannot believe how fast she is going. Facebook lost my album of her and so I went back and added her pics since she was born. I can't believe how much she has changed!
Without further ado... her 8 month pics:
Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a picture of an 8 month old?!?

She did that all on her own. She's started pulling her knees up underneath her too. I was hoping our tree would be safe this year, but I have a feeling she won't wait until after Christmas to start moving. She finally started rolling all the way over this weekend. She'd go over but wouldn't pull her arm out. Now she just rolls and rolls and rolls. She's never in the place I leave her. Guess we need to start using baby gates again!
Without further ado... her 8 month pics:
So big! |
Yummm! Camera! |
We did manage to get a fairly decent shot.
She is semi-mobile and gets a little more ambitious every day. The trick she learned this morning...
Monday, December 3, 2012
Hearing Part II
Cole met with another audiologist and the Otolaryngologist (aka, ENT, but that word makes me look smart right? Especially when google doesn't even recognize the word) today. His hearing was not as bad as last time he was tested, but still not where it should be. This points to the blockage in his ear being caused by lack of drainage. The ENT also pulled out a dime sized portion of what looked like crusted boogers out of his ear. This also points to excessive drainage. So what does this mean? Cole will have surgery in a couple of weeks to put a tube in his ear. Since he is 6 and does not have a history of ear infections it also means that something is causing the blockage and the ENT seems to think that his adenoids are the culprit. I don't disagree. He snores and his tonsils are enlarged which typically means the adenoids are as well. The fantastic news is that his nerves are not damaged so once we get the drainage out of the way, his hearing should fully return! The only complication is that if the blockage is caused by skin, it's a much more invasive surgery, but all the signs point to drainage and not a skin blockage. I am praying that is true.
In other news, Shelby is semi-mobile. She's not crawling, but she is finally rolling. I don't think crawling will be far behind. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Both boys were late with everything, and while she certainly isn't early, it's nice knowing where she is.
In other news, Shelby is semi-mobile. She's not crawling, but she is finally rolling. I don't think crawling will be far behind. I'm not sure how I feel about this. Both boys were late with everything, and while she certainly isn't early, it's nice knowing where she is.
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