Cole's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. J, attends our church. On Sunday I was telling her how impressed I am with his writing. When he started his first year of preschool, it took days for him to write his name. Now he wants to bring a notebook everywhere so he can write his words. I was also telling her how another mom and I are frustrated because our boys can't seem to venture far from the farm. Everything they write is about tractors, semis, cows, or something farm related. Mrs. J proceeded to share how she has this group of farm boys and loved listening to their conversations. She said it's like listening to little old men. "We finished corn last night, how about you guys?" or "We started chopping corn stalks today." It just made me laugh because the image is perfectly clear in my head.
My boys have also become very anti-John Deere. We have a mish mash of machinery, but only a couple of John Deere pieces, an old 60 tractor that was a gift for my father-in-law as that was his first tractor. We have an old baler and a seed drill that are also JD, but most of our tractors are red. The boys take this to mean that John Deeres are gross! Last year with the dry weather a lot of combines caught on fire, mostly John Deere, so now, according to Cole, if you ride in a John Deere combine, it might blow up. The boys in his class, and one of the paras, love giving him a hard time about John Deere green. He had a field trip to the apple orchard, where one of the boys spotted a combine in a shed and Cole refused to look at it because it was John Deere.
Last night on the way to bed I was pointing out everything in our house that was green. Cole thought he might have to move. I told him Antarctica was the only way to go since nothing grows there, so he wouldn't have to worry about green plants or grass. I also told him I probably wouldn't come visit because it is way to cold. His response: "do phones work there? Cuz then I could just call you."