Pinterest is going to make me fat and crafty!
We got a new computer for Christmas. Our laptop is still alive and kicking, but I wanted something to load my music and pictures on without bogging it down. We bought an all-in-one, and it is fantastic. The boys love it because they can play games with the touch screen (when I'm not hogging it). I love it because it's in the same room as the train table, so I don't feel like I'm completely ignoring my children :) Win Win for everyone!
I usually check my email and facebook in the morning on my phone, but I didn't peruse the internet very often because Pat uses the laptop in the morning and my phone is too small for that. Then some of my fb friends kept commenting about pinterest so I thought I'd check it out. At first I didn't get it. Just a bunch of random pictures posted about anything and everything. Then I discovered the recipes and the super easy crafts.
Today for example, I was waiting for my lunch to finish cooking and I came across a recipe for peanut butter cake. I had all the ingredients and it looked simple enough. So for dessert I had warm peanut butter cake by myself! It was heavenly and I didn't even eat the whole pan (sadly I cannot say that about the rice krispy treats I made last week. I think the boys each got half of the last one, because I'm generous like that).
The other thing I love is the craft ideas. I am not a crafty person. I make a sad attempt at scrapbooking and sew things like pillowcases and curtains, but that's about as far as I go. However, there are some super cute and easy ideas that I've found. My first big pinterest project was a chalkboard. Here are the boys and their inaugural drawings...

Cole with his AMPI and MN Milk. Not too bad for his left hand! (that's another post I'll get to soon, hopefully)

Tate and his drawing. I think it's a milk pipe, but I honestly don't remember what he told me anymore.
We've also made
ice balloons, although the boys are a bit confused by the fact that we aren't
doing anything with them. Like we aren't throwing them or putting flowers in them, so what could they possibly be for?!?
Right now I'm working on some baby shower things for my sister-in-law. One of these days I'll actually start working on Baby Girl's room and attempt to be ready for her. That's my goal for the week, to at least get the room to a place where I can start painting. Let's just hope she doesn't show up before then! We're at 31 weeks and counting!