I realize I've been on quite the blog hiatus. While I can't promise you my return is permanent, I want to reassure you (if any of you are left) that I didn't fall off the face of the earth.
What can I say, it was a busy summer. I was hoping for a relaxing one, but I should know by now that such a thing does not exist.
At any rate, summer is over and the kids are back to school. I for the first time, since I was 4, am not back to school. At least not back to taking classes. I didn't want to feel completely left out, so I picked up a fall coaching job. I'm coaching our local cross country team. It's been fun, but tiring and frustrating at the same time. I am anxious for our first meet this week.
I will try my darndest to give you a few summer recap posts, but for now I will leave you with this. My boys started school last Friday.