I often wonder how God decides to give us the children He gives us. Sometimes I wonder if He was so
unconfident in my parenting skills that He gave me Cole. Then I look at Tate and think He must not think we're total failures and decided to challenge us a bit.
For instance, how many of you have children that put themselves down for a nap?
The boys have had a little more (
ok, a lot more) screen time than I would like. Cole is constantly asking to play the
iPod and Tate knows way more cartoons than he should at age 2. I'm trying to limit it, but sometimes it's just hard.
Sundays are typically nap days. For me that means a nice long nap curled up in bed. For Pat that means sleeping in the chair in front of the TV. We've tried the whole "go play downstairs" thing, but Cole will typically hide behind a chair and sneak a peak at the TV. If the TV is on, he cannot focus on anything else. He's starting to be able to tell time (the hour anyway), so we're working with that. Last Sunday he was watching cartoons while Pat was sleeping and I was ready to head in for a nap myself. We typically make him lay down for an hour on Sundays. I realize this won't last forever. So I told him after his cartoon was over to go lay down until 3, and HE DID IT!
I'd love to say it is all due to my phenomenal parenting skills, but I'd hate to make you laugh so hard milk comes shooting out your nose and ruins your computer. All 2 of you are drinking milk while reading this right?
Anywhoodle, I do not know where this kid came from. At times like these, it's fantastic raising a 60 year old in a 4 year old body :)